Monday, April 16, 2007

Cute Boy du Jour changes...

I'm switching "Cute Boy du Jour" day to Mondays. Why you ask?? Because it seems more official that way! Plus I can actually get it done! Since this whole Microsoft gig, I'm no longer able to Bloglog as much as I'd like. I also realized that I hadn't picked a "Cute Boy du Jour" since February! Shame on me! SO by making "Cute Boy du Jour" day on Monday's, at least I can bloglog about one of my favorite topics!

So today's "Cute Boy du Jour" is...
Wentworth Miller. He's my favorite prisoner on TV. I picked him because last week was the Prison Break Season Finale. (Don't even get me started on TV and how they're breaking up the seasons!) I love Wentworth (plus who can resist that name?) but I'm not sure I'm gonna watch Prison Break as much anymore. (Although Paul may change my mind). I don't know why, but the show isn't what it used to be, it kind of went blah. So we'll see. But I'm still digging Wentworth. Enough Said!

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Imus NO longer in the morning, noon time or evening.

So today I was thinking about the whole Imus thing. With his comment and what not. And then I read that he was fired. First of all, I’m not the biggest Imus fan, but I’m not sure he should’ve been fired (insert boos and hisses here). The thing is, he shouldn’t have said “the comment”. It’s just wrong, but he wasn’t fired for saying “Nappy Headed Ho’s”, no matter what CBS says, he was fired because all the big sponsors pulled ads from Imus’s shows (except for Bigelow Tea), which I think in turn prompted CBS to fire Imus. That and Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton, buzzing in Moonves’ ear. What I find ironic and frankly retarded is the fact that he gets fired for saying this horrible comment, which I stress again, not a nice comment, BUT rappers like 50 Cent are allowed to make horrible music and movies that degrade women while big corporate sponsors flock to them. What’s wrong with America?

My thinking is, Imus’ comment will eventually fade away, 50 Cent’s music is listened to on a daily basis by some. Every other song has the word “ho’s and n***ah’s”. Just because he’s African-American shouldn’t give him the right to say this! I find it so hypocritical. And I’m not trying to pick on 50 Cent, he’s just the only rapper who comes to mind right now. It's like he makes a lot of money selling songs that degrade women as whores and then turns around and talks about helping kids by donating to his charities. Those kids in turn, listen to his music and grow up wanting to be like 50 Cent and the cycle begins again. Frankly, this whole ideology scares me. Okay I got off on a tangent there. But I hope I’m making sense.

And don’t even get me started on Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton. Why aren’t they out there buzzing in MTV’s ear about rappers like 50 Cent? I bet if I looked hard enough, I would probably find a photo of Fitty and Big Al shaking hands or hangin’ out! And although I can’t be 100% on this, since I never did see “Get Rich or Die Tryin’” but I bet, that in that movie there is probably product placement from American Express Co., Sprint Nextel Corp., Staples Inc., Procter & Gamble Co. and General Motors Corp., the same sponsors who pulled out of Imus’ show. Ridiculous!

What I do find funny is the fact that the press has contacted practically every African-American celebrity to “discuss” Imus’ comment. My favorite was Wanda Sykes on Jay Leno. She was wondering why she was contacted about this, prompting her to ask if she was the spokesperson for nappy headed ho’s. “My hair’s curly, not nappy!”. Wanda is hilarious!

Anyway, so I’m done. And once again, even though I definitely think Imus shouldn’t have said that ridiculous comment, I don’t think he should’ve gotten fired, because then they should fire ALL celebrities who say racial comments, and you damn well they won't. Can anyone say Isaiah Washington?

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blast from the Past..

I was organizing the spare/office and decided to look through some old letters and notes and whatnot. Anyway, I was reading some notes/letters from high school friends and realized how dramatic everything seemed back in the day. How we took a simple situation and turned it into a soap opera! It also made me wonder where some of these people who wrote me were. So Diane Alvarado and Kevin Hamilton if you happen to read this by some strange chance, respond and say hi...It'd be nice to hear from you.

I didn't realize what an impact those people had in my life. There are also notes from several other people, but I still talk to some of those people. Like Eileen for instance, I mean she's now related to me (through marriage) no matter what, I'll always stay close to her. I also found some notes/letters from people I've talked to in the past few years. Like Summer... It's so funny to read these notes and remember those days, when things seemed so huge and we seemed SO "grown up". I actually thought I knew it all.

It's fun to rem·i·nisce about the past..especially to read stuff about occasions you might've forgotten. I wish I could've saved everything, but with all the moves I've lost so much. I'm just grateful for what I do have. And even if it seems silly, it's great to remember those kooky high school years. Those weren't necessarily the best years of my life, but they were part of my life and eventually made me who I am today.

The End!

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Monday, April 9, 2007

Silly MSN (cont'd)

Since I cont'd this from my MySpace, let me recap (or ctrl C)..

Okay it seems that lately all I've been doing is bloglogging about Microsoft, BUT since it's taken over my life, that's all I seem to think about. Bleh.

Anyway, so today I was watching Ellen (I took the day off!) and Ellen asked Leah Remini about this new project she's doing with Sprint and Suave and once she said that, I knew it was this project that I'm working on at work...the thing is, I'm supposed to keep my mouth (and fingers) shut about this project, but here's Leah Remini talking about it to EVERYONE who watches Ellen. So my question is.. why am I supposed to keep it top secret? What's up with that?


I don't see why this would be hush hush in the first place. I work on MSN ads. Don't you want people to see your ads? Don't you want people to talk about your ads? So I don't get the secrecy. But that's MS for you :) Lots of secrets.

So that brings me to my next issue..I can't bloglog from work. Who knows if it's all mind games and whether or not Big Brother Bill is watching you..but I can't really take the chance, now can I? SO I'm bloglogging from home from now on.

BUT I will continue to bloglog about my work. Not about all the hush hush secrets... only Leah Remini can do that..but about stuff that goes on, or that I find rather amusing. So deal with it Bill G! hahaha

El Fin.

P.S. I really need to see Grindhouse.

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Monday, April 2, 2007

Tag, I'm it!

So I was tagged by Summer a LONG time ago.

I was supposed to list 6 things about me that people probably don’t know. Well I never did it, so I thought I’d do it now. I’m not tagging anyone, or at least not 6 people…BUT here it goes:

1. I learned how to ride a horse (at five) waaaay before I learned how to ride a bike (at nine).
2. My legal name was *Aguirre* until my mom changed it when I was fifteen (she never told me this though!).
3. I have a knack for remembering people’s birthdays.
4. I hate the taste and smell of eggs. One slight hint of egg and I gag.
5. I hate to drive, and I’ll do anything I can to no have to.
6. I have an oral fixation. I am constantly biting my nails, picking at my teeth, etc... it’s ridiculous actually.

I tag no one.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

April Fools!

It’s April Fool’s Day and I haven’t April Fooled anyone! I used to love to “fool” peole (especially Albert). But I guess because I’m so busy with work and getting this house straightened out that I’m not thinking of the everyday things I used to do. I swear as soon as this house is in order and I get myself on a schedule with work and life outside of work (is there life outside of Microsoft?) then I will go back to my “normal” (whatever that is!) self.
Until now…
My April Fools will be to NOT April Fools.

April Fools!