2008 is going to be Great!
Happy New Year!
I cannot believe it's been a whole year since I started this little bloglog of mine. I haven't been the best bloglogger. I'm sad about that. I really thought I'd bloglog every single day. And the last time I blogged was in September. How pathetic is that?
Oh well. What can I do? Perhaps this year will be my year to blog!
So I took a look at last year's "resolutions". Man, I really resolved to do a lot and you know what? I hardly accomplished any of them! Let's review:
To quote myself on January 1, 2007:
So for 2007, I've decided to make a few New Year's Resolutions. Actually, just one major one. My only big "resolution" this year, is to Bloglog everyday.
Bleh, didn't do that!
So here's my past list, let's see which one's I managed to accomplish:
Here's my Top Ten list of "What I'd definitely like to do in 2007".
10. To make new friends. I did do this. Thanks Malgosia!
9. To become a SIFF member. Nope, not yet. Perhaps never.
8. To network with designers and artists. Sort of did this. Need to do more.
7. To at least write a few chapters of "my book". Not at all! Sigh
6. To finally finish all those websites that I haven't finished. Again, not at all!
5. To be more organized. Hmm? I'm semi organized. So that half counts.
4. To walk more, eat less, and lose all this arm fat. I walked less, ate more and gained more arm fat!
3. To watch a movie (past or present) at least once a day. (Oh, this will seriously help my arm fat! But I really do need to catch up on all the movies I've missed.) Shyeah right, I'm so behind, the last movie I saw in the theater was Bourne Ultimatum.
2. To experience more of this great city. Unfortunately I haven't done this as much as I would like.
1. To get a full-time, great paying job (or for Paul to get one), so I can do most
of these things on this list! Okay Paul got a full time job, NOT great paying. And I got myself a contract at Microsoft. So this was semi done.
So this year I have a whole new lists of things I'd like to "resolve" in '08.
10. Remember to take my vitamins everyday.
9. Travel. Preferably to NYC.
8. Improve my time management. I need more time to do stuff.
7. Paint, write, take pictures, do more creative things.
6. Catch up on old TV shows and new movies.
5. Read scripture everyday.
4. Finish all those websites I haven't finished.
3. Buy a house. Or at least start trying to.
2. Get a full time job.
1. Start planning a family.
I also posted stuff I'd like to do by 2009 and those haven't really changed, except for buying a Mini. We bought an Audi instead :) Oh and we decided not to buy a Rollin Street Flat. I'd prefer a house, instead of a glamorized apartment. I quote myself:
And here are a few things that I hope to have done by 2009, which I'm thinking I'll have to start doing something this year to accomplish them by then:
1. To take Paul to NYC. I moved that over to the 2008 list.
2. To go to Spain.
3. To start up LAPH.
4. To have our own art gallery/store.
6. To finally get my bulldog.
7. To buy a Rollin Street Flat. Nevermind the flat, I want a house instead.
8. To have a kid or two.
9. To buy a Mini (which may not fit the kid or two, ha). Got the Audi instead. Much better choice.
10.To fly in Space. Which I probably won't ever do. But I can dream.
So those are my new resolutions...let's see how well I do.
Have a great 2008.
People should read this.
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