Monday, April 16, 2007

Cute Boy du Jour changes...

I'm switching "Cute Boy du Jour" day to Mondays. Why you ask?? Because it seems more official that way! Plus I can actually get it done! Since this whole Microsoft gig, I'm no longer able to Bloglog as much as I'd like. I also realized that I hadn't picked a "Cute Boy du Jour" since February! Shame on me! SO by making "Cute Boy du Jour" day on Monday's, at least I can bloglog about one of my favorite topics!

So today's "Cute Boy du Jour" is...
Wentworth Miller. He's my favorite prisoner on TV. I picked him because last week was the Prison Break Season Finale. (Don't even get me started on TV and how they're breaking up the seasons!) I love Wentworth (plus who can resist that name?) but I'm not sure I'm gonna watch Prison Break as much anymore. (Although Paul may change my mind). I don't know why, but the show isn't what it used to be, it kind of went blah. So we'll see. But I'm still digging Wentworth. Enough Said!

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At April 16, 2007 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea who this guy is. You need to photograph some Seattle boys!

At April 16, 2007 at 5:40 PM , Blogger Unknown said... Cute Boy du Jour is all about my celebrity bofrends (well semi-bofrends) not REAL people! Besides, who doesn't know who Wentworth is? That's just tragic man.

But you know, that's not a bad idea, about Seattle boys. I need to start taking some snaps of people.


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