Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day today and it's the first time Paul and I don't do anything to celebrate. But since we really can't afford to go anywhere, we're just staying home and hanging out. Plus, we have to pack! Perhaps tomorrow we'll go see a movie. The last movie we saw was "The Wicker Man". How sad is that??

So today I wanted to blog about so many things, but unfortunately I have writer's block! It sucks. I think I'm kind of mad because I had a job lined up and it fell through, but I refuse to dwell on it. Although, that's all that consumes my thoughts at the moment. I'm so upset. I'm upset that people are so in·com·pe·tent and put the blame on me. It's so sad that people don't see what Paul and I are capable of. Did we really misjudge the creativity and design world of Seattle? We'll just have to wait and find out. I'm glad Paul's doing "Squash" though. It's a good release for him.

Speaking of "Squash", Paul has to go do that right perhaps I'll come back with something more interesting to blog about...And a better 'tude!


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