Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Tube Surfing with Stephen King


So awhile back Paul and I went to Best Buy and I finally gave in and said yes to the trial subscription to the magazine of our choice. I figured, may as well get 8 issues of "Entertainment Weekly", for free, since I usually buy the magazine anyway. While reading one of these free issues, I came upon a neat little article by Stephen King. He was talking about all the channels he has and how he only watches LOST, 24 and Prison Break (or Heroes, I forget) he decided to surf the channels. I thought, with all the TV watching I do anyway, may as well try this. Here's what I came up with. (I just entered numbers and hoped it was a station, if it wasn't available I hit either the up or down key, I surfed for approximately 15min.).

I turn on the tube and it's on Ch. 7, the local ABC channel. "One Life to Live" is on and I'm surprised to see this one actor, who I had a mad crush on in highschool, is on this soap. He looks really old and weathered! Moving forward...Ch.357, CNBW (It's CNBC World). "Business Arabia" is on. Interesting enough. Although, I can't figure out what they're saying. Plus it's ending. Next...Ch. 531, EDRA (Encore Drama) "The Verdict" with Paul Newman is on. He's about to hop into bed with that lady from "Swimming Pool", boy did she get old. Although I was intrigued, I had to keep going. Ch. 426, GOL (GolTV), Hey a 24 hour soccer network! All I kept thinking and hearing was GOOOOOOOOOOAL. Heh..these two Hispanic guys are hosting this sports show, which I'm assuming is about soccer, and speaking really fast Spanish, but two other guys are translating. The translators arefunny. They're saying something about kidney stones. Hmm? Next...Ch. 256, TCM (Turner Classic Movies) "Stalag17" is on. All I know about this movie is that it has to do with Nazis, but from this short preview of it, I remembered why I never saw it. Moving on... Ch. 22, MyQ (Local Channel), Judge Hatchett is yelling at some dude for talking about his girlfriend's cheesey stained underwear. hahaha. Thank God a commercial came on or I would've gotten stuck. Ch.335, VH1 (what does VH1 stand for?) "The White Rapper Show" is on. But it's a commercial for Sonic's Coney & Tots, I love these guys on this commercial, they're too hilarious. Next..276, NGC (National Geographic Channel), "Deep Sea Drillers" was on. Another commercial. This one's on Zantax. NEXT...Ch. 378, NRB (I have no idea what this channel is, just that it's a religious channel). "The Logan Show" is on. Seems interesting enough. Apparently this guy is Logan, he's hosting a show, like Leno..OH He's Canadian! He's interviewing a Canadian Christian Rock Group. The one guy looks like Donnie Osmond. The other guy is mumbling. Logan hasn't spoken yet. Oh, the band's name is Down Here. Never heard of 'em. Sound good. Must keep a mental note of this. Moving on...Ch. 263, LOGO (The Gay and Lesbian channel). Bernadette Peters is kissing a chick! Oh they're getting married. It's a movie called "Bobbie's Girl" and it has that little boy from "About a boy" in it. He just screamed Muzeltof! We have about 7 minutes to go....Ch. 354, G4 (The Gamers Channel) and COPS! is on? Shocker..Shocker...Shocker a cop is arresting a white trash chick who's drunk, oh and she's a prostitute! She's in possession of someone else's credit card that has been reported stolen! She's buying crack with it? Whaaaat? You can buy crack with credit cards? NEXT...Ch. 404, GALA (Galavision), more Spanish TV. It's "La Hora de la Papa", The Hour of the Potato? Holy Cow it's a Mexican Boy Band! Damn, it ended. Almost done....Ch.379, RFD (who knows what it stands for, but it's a Farming Channel, and one of Paul's favorites..hahaha) Oh yeah baby, tractor racing! This is better than the FFA competition Paul watches! Woah too many Clint flashbacks.... Ch. 521, STZW (Starz! West), OOO "Glory Road" is on. Reminds me of Paul and all the work he had to do during that premiere. Awe. NEXT...592, PPV, YIKES, it's PPV Porn! Black Screened, thank goodness.'s "Girls Gone Wild: Blondes 2" Woo baby. NEXT...Ch. 612, FUEL (Fuel TV), It's the "Sorsa Project". Hey it's an indoor snow slope for snowboarders, in Dubai! Seems interesting enough but I only have a few seconds left for surfing, enough for one more channel....Ch. 832, XM Cafe. It's Satellite Music. Why do I feel like I've heard of this station before?

My 15 minutes are up. The End!

Until Next time...


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